Sunday, May 5, 2024

Shock and Awe reaction

 Shock and Awe Reaction
In class we watched the film "Shock and Awe", which provided a crazy inside look at the Iraq War lead up from the perspective of the journalists who actually questioned the Bush administration's rationale. As a journalism major, I found that this movie struck a nerve. 

The main storyline follows the Knight Ridder reporting team of Jonathan and Warren. While nearly every other major outlet simply regurgitated the administration's claims about Iraq WMDs, these two journalists decided to do some actual digging. By looking at the sketchy evidence, they slowly realized the "evidence" being used to justify the invasion was straight up faulty or doctored.

It's mind-blowing how much pushback the journalists got just for trying to fact check the WMD claims. You had government officials calling them unpatriotic their own editors brushing them off, and just total resistance to their reporting from all sides. It made me realize there's so much pressure to just go along with the official narrative, even when it reeks of lies.

Movie Information & Trailers | KinoCheck 
Overall this movie was a good watch but it frustrated me a lot during the whole movie but I would watch this movie again it had my full attention though the whole movie, thank you for picking this movie Dr. Smith!!

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Shock and Awe reaction

 Shock and Awe Reaction   In class we watched the film " Shock and Awe ", which provided a crazy inside look at the Iraq War lead ...