Sunday, May 5, 2024

Good Night and Good Luck reaction

 Good Night and Good Luck

When watching this movie I really enjoyed how authentic this movie was and how it was shown in black and white. This movie was about the conflict between broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow and U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy during the period of communist paranoia and the anti communist crusade led by McCarthy in the 1950s. The movie focused on the showdown between Murrow who was the host of the TV news program "See It Now" on CBS and McCarthy whose hearings and charges of communist infiltration in the U.S. government gained him power and public fear. 

The Importance of Free Press and Ethical Journalism

The importance of free press is in the First Amendment because the founders understood a free press is essential for protecting all other civil liberties. Journalists defend rights like free speech, freedom of religion, due process, and more when those freedoms are threatened.

In the movie Murrow's famous March 9, 1954 broadcast directly confronting McCarthy demonstrated the importance of journalists being willing to ask hard questions and hold leaders accountable, even when it is unpopular or they face backlash.

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