Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Front Page Reaction

Amazon.com: The Front Page : Jack ...

                                                                     The Front Page

I enjoyed watching The Front Page movie because it gave me an up-close perspective on how journalists reporters used to get their news to produce for the world to see back in the day. 

Journalists strive to get information for their stories and articles but as seen in The Front Page journalists did not always strive to get accurate information, but rather creating a story that people will pay for over and over again.

In the movie you can see all of these men that are journalist reporters and they are trying to create headlines for a story about a convict Earl Williams. While creating this story these men are exaggerating the story and headline creating false information. These journalists love to exaggerate stories in this movie, to create a narrative that is worth reading and buying for an audience rather than giving the straight up facts. 

The idea of exaggerating a story to block the truth for more money and publicity does not settle right with me. 

Exaggerating a story or headline defiantly has its pros and cons when producing a story, but people deserve the truth when it comes to news, because people rely on the news as a source of information that they rely on to be accurate and producing exaggerated stories can confuse people in the long run.

In the movie Earl Williams is viewed as a crazy person and Mollie Malloy is only viewed at as a hooker. The journalists in the movie then create stories about Earl and Mollie that produce false information about the two people, that people do not know is false. The reporters do this to keep the viewers coming back for more, which makes the news publication a lot of money. 

Both Earl and Mollie are misunderstood, reporters did not care to get either Earl or Mollies side in the situation happening throughout the movie. Reporters only care for themselves and their career at the end of the day, so they will do anything for a story even putting peoples lives at risk. In the movie Mollie creates a distraction so that Earl doesn't get caught so she decides to jump out of a window risking her life which the reporters simply do not care about. 

Another thing that I found interesting in this movie was how the journalist reporters were all men. Not to say I was surprised but I would think there would be at least one woman reporter. This movie was based in 1928 in Chicago. Women just became able to voice their opinions and got the right to vote in 1920 so it didn't surprise me that there wasn't any female journalists but it surprised me that the job difference between male and female at this time was very different from one another. 

The main character Christy was getting ready to get out of town to marry Peggy. Peggy is a singer at the teacher where she and the audience read lyrics together and sing almost like church but not. I thought this was different because during this time women usually stayed at home to cook and clean for their husband and kids. Peggy is viewed as this beautiful woman that is too good for Christy but some how Christy manages to end up with her after-all. 

The Front Page (1974) - IMDb
Peggy Singing

Another role of a female job I saw in this movie was Myrtle's job. Myrtle worked at the city news bureau of Chicago with the male journalists. Myrtle in the movie was considered a janitor or personal assistant to these men in my opinion. Myrtle got the reporters what ever they wanted when they wanted it all day long, which obviously wouldn't be allowed at any jobs today but this was the reality of what a females job looked like in 1928. 

Overall this movie honestly was such a good movie, I usually do not watch these types of movies but this one really had me pulled in. Not only was it a good movie but it gave me a view on what journalism was like in the 1920s and I really enjoyed it. 

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