Tuesday, April 23, 2024

EOTO #2 Reaction

 EOTO #2 Reaction

In class while watching EOTO presentations the one presentation that really caught my attention was the presentation about crime reporting. This stuck out to me because as a kid I always wanted to be a detective and I would go around my house with my brother pretending to solve a "crime" and we would always report back to my parents and tell them what "crime" we found and pretty much gave them a full report. 

Crime reporting in journalism is when a journalist goes out to report on a crime that has just happened. Crime reporting consists of printed or broadcast journalistic pieces of  containing detailed information about a certain criminal activity. Crime journalism started in the 1920s mainly and further developed into what we know as the UCR which stands for uniform crime reporting.

The main crimes a crime journalist covered in the 1920s was mainly, bank robbery, kidnapping, auto theft and drug trafficking. People want to read about crime like this so they are aware of whats currently happening in the world that may be around them. 

The main very important duty of a crime reporter is to gather all the facts, you must have all the facts to successfully create a true story. American newspaperman Joesph Pulitzer was very picky on crime reporting, he always implied his reporters to provide as many details they can possible to give the writer more room to work around while cresting a story. 

Crime reporting in journalism has been around since the early days of journalism and it remains an important part of the news today. It provides a vital service to the public by keeping them informed about crime in their area and helping to hold criminals accountable.

Overall, I enjoyed the EOTO presentations and have truly learned a lot from them and have learned that theres so many different ways you could go with choosing a career in journalism, I never knew that much about crime reporting until I watched this presentation and am happy it gave me a different perspective on choosing what I want to be. 

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